Internet Marketing - Behind The Scenes

Have you ever been to DisneyWorld or DisneyLand?

Years ago (in my youthful ignorance) I was surprised to learn a whole underground city exists for the engineering, mechanics, machinery and all the equipment needed that makes it possible for Disneyland and DisneyWorld to entertain you. The size of the Disney tourist attraction complex has an equal size or larger 'invisible' area for the business or 'busyness' of making the whole operation work flawlessly.

What is visible to the tourists is nothing compared to the invisible operation that goes into making the Disney 'wonderland' what it IS.

Internet marketing is much the same way.

Internet marketing is so complex, with so many invisible goings-on behind the scenes, that what you see visibly on web pages is but the tip of the iceberg. Many 'tools' are needed to make an Internet marketing business successful.

Some people will try to make you believe it's easy to earn $100,000 a year by 'doing what they're doing'. These 'marketeers' are almost always hype.

I get insulted when I read an unsolicited email that states, "My friend made $XXXX (number of dollars) in just 3 days. Let me tell you how he/she did it."

Now, why in the world, if this friend really existed, why in the world would a person not be doing this wonderful revelation himself instead of trying to get others to do it? If the procedure of making money is so good, the person would be actively DOING what makes money, not just talking about it.

Anyway, a true Internet marketing person (one who seriously works at it and not one trying to take short-cuts) spends hours a day studying analytics, doing research on competition and keywords, revising website content, building effective opt-in forms and writing creative follow-up letters, bidding and placing sponsored listings with search engines, comparing traffic patterns, attending workshops and webinars, checking and referencing links, building partnerships, investigating social networks, record keeping, accounting, writing blogs, etc. etc. - I hope you get the picture.

Internet marketing is NOT a get-rich-quick method of earning money online. It's a serious complex business, much of which the average web surfer is unaware. Actually ALL of the behind-the-scene work, the average web surfer is unaware.

A good majority of web surfers are not informed about sponsored searches. They have no clue that every time they click an ad from Google or Yahoo, someone (individual or company) pays for that click in hopes of a sale. Bidding on keywords against one's competition goes on during all hours of the day and night.

FREE is a keyword searched on by a huge amount of people wanting something for free, or at least 'cheap'. 'Free' often refers to free trial or free download (afterwhich you're asked for money). There is no 'free lunch'. Interent marketers who advertise the word FREE, do so to hook the surfer with promises of something in the future - if they buy it.

Underground marketing is very real. Until I got into Internet marketing I thought it would be easy. After all, everyone was doing it. Or so I thought.

The real truth is that Internet Marketing is a fast-paced, dog-eat-dog business that's worldwide. Everyone wants their share of the Internet pie. Everyone wants the best corner location. Everyone wants the top of the search engine.

But still, I love Internet Marketing! I make my living behind the computer monitor and I LOVE every minute of it.
